Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For December 05, 2024 (#543)

Today, I will talk about the New York Times game called Connections. It is a funny word game in which players are challenged to find connections between different words. Each day, a new puzzle appears at midnight. You get a grid of 16 words, and your goal is to group them into four sets of four words that share a common theme. Sounds easy, right? But sometimes it can be tricky!

Today’s Nyt Connections Words

For today, December 5, 2024, the puzzle has some interesting words: APPLE, LIME, YELLOW, FACE, NOSE, FRONT, RHINE, AMAZON, SURFACE, GIFT, ORACLE, BRIM, INSTINCT, INTUIT, OUTSIDE, and FLAIR. The game can be very engaging and might really make you think.

I know I’ll help you out today, so here are the hints for today’s groups. Each group is color-coded based on difficulty. So the yellow group is always pretty easy to figure out. The green group’s a little harder, but it’s still pretty simple. The blue group’s right down the middle. And the purple group’s the hardest one of them all.

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Today’s Nyt Connections Groups

Here are your hints for today’s groups:

Yellow group: Consider natural talent or ability.

Green group: This pertains to something that’s on the outside.

Blue group: These refer to businesses that are in the technology niche.

Purple group: One of these groups pertains to kinds of stones.

Now let’s examine exactly what these relationships are. The solutions for today’s Connections puzzle are the following:

Yellow Group (Aptitude): This is comprised of FLAIR, GIFT, INSTINCT, and NOSE. These words are all relating to having some kind of natural ability or talent with something.

Green Group (Outside): The words here are FACE, FRONT, OUTSIDE, and SURFACE. All these words denote something that is on the outer side of an object.

Blue Group (Tech Companies): This group has AMAZON, APPLE, INTUIT, and ORACLE. These are all giant technology companies.

Purple Group (___Stone): Finally, we have BRIM, LIME, RHINE, and YELLOW. These words can precede “stone” to form phrases like “brimstone” and “limestone.”

I enjoyed today’s puzzle quite a lot! The blue group was easy for me to identify because I recognized all those tech companies right away. The green group was easy for me to figure out too, because it was apparent that all of those words referred to the outside parts of things.

Today’s Nyt Connections Answers

I have to think a little bit more on the yellow and purple. With yellow, I was struggling; it made me remember the word “nose,” that having a “nose” for something implies that you have an instinct or flair for it! On purple, I had to pause for a moment or two because I had to envision how those words can relate to “stone.”

If you’re not familiar with Connections or just need some suggestions to play the game even better, remember that rearranging the words can also help you determine potential connections. Also, don’t be afraid to guess! You have limited chances of mistakes before you lose the game.

Bottom Line In a nutshell, if you like word games and wish to have fun while you test your brain daily, give NYT Connections a go! It is an ideal activity for having fun and challenging your brain using the tool of language. If today’s answers didn’t appear right away, never worry because there’s another puzzle for tomorrow!

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