The Central Brooklyn Youth Council’s governing body, made up of youth, will replicate the State, City and Federal Legislatures. Some of the youth will actually assume governmental titles and responsibilities within the CBYC. This structure will give youth from our community, insight on how non-partisan government works and will educate and motivate them with regards to the importance of the voting process
PHOTO CAPTION: Tony Herbert, CEO of The Professionals Networking Organization, Ronald Washington, President of The Fort Greene Volunteers, Congressman Ed Towns, (D-NY), Deputy Borough President, Yvonne Graham and Mark Knox, Treasurer of the Fort Greene Volunteers
The Professionals Network Organization together with its partners, local community organization the Fort Greene Volunteers Inc., Congressman Edolphus Towns and the Brooklyn Borough President’s office, announced the commencement of a phenomenal youth initiative – truly the first of its kind entitled, The Central Brooklyn Youth Council (CBYC). This group of youth [the CBYC] will play host to well over 5,000 plus Brooklyn youth from various ethnic backgrounds and cultures.Â
The CBYC is primarily designed to engage all Brooklyn Youth in positive activities, dialogue and programs designed to shape them into responsible citizens. Issues such as Teen Pregnancy, Gang Violence and STDs will be addressed in ongoing dialogue amongst the youth. Professional organizations will contribute their member’s time to volunteer as mentors.
Congressman Ed Towns, (D-NY) and Deputy Borough President Yvonne Graham joined The Professionals Networking Organization and The Fort Greene Volunteers at Brooklyn Borough Hall to officially announce their support of this initiative.
Kate Pezzimenti of News 12 Brooklyn came covered the event and told The Professionals Networking Organization and the Fort Greene Volunteers that she will be following-up in support of the program and welcomes alerts on the progress and new developments of the Central Brooklyn Youth Council.
Immediately after the press conference, The Professionals Network Organization and Fort Greene Volunteers, Inc. set out to endeavor a full outreach campaign throughout the entire Borough of Brooklyn over the next 5 weeks, inviting youth and their family members to participate in this initiative by speaking at Community Boards, Precinct Councils, Block Associations and Tenant Association meetings.
Further, an introductory program introducing the CBYC will be held as a general assembly in January 2007 at a Brooklyn High School for all parents and youth to attend, to learn more about the CBYC and its proposed programs and calendar of events.–
Clergy, community youth organizations, such as but not limited to, the Boys and Girl Scouts of America, various youth councils, youth oriented organizations and relevant entities will be encouraged to join the CBYC and support this initiative.
The Fort Greene Volunteers is a 501( c)3 community based organization whose mission is to build a better quality of life for youth my education and mentorship. Working in conjunction with James Caldwell of Build Urban Development (BUD), the Fort Greene Volunteers provide youth with job referrals, apprenticeship programs, and more. “Being that this community is predominantly single mothers, we were compelled to pitch in and help out. The kids get so many negative influences by which to follow, we chose to give them some positive elements to use for their growth and development. We stress the importance of education and hard work and perseverance and the fact that basketball is not the end-all-be-all,� stated Ronald Washington, President of the Fort Greene Volunteers.
“I am very excited about the CBYC. We have some very positive plans in place for the youth and we will go above and beyond to help them in their development,� stated Mark Knox, Treasurer of The Fort Greene Volunteers.
“We are very excited about the Central Brooklyn Youth Council whose governing body (of youth), will replicate the State, City and Federal Legislatures. Some of the youth will actually assume governmental titles and responsibilities within the CBYC. This structure will give youth from our community, insight on how non-partisan government works and will educate and motivate them with regards to the importance of the voting process, stated Tony Herbert, Founder of the CBYC.
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