Terrie Williams On Fire

Her passion to help her people comes from a sincere place. “When the opportunity arises, give it your all to help someone else.� This is Terrie’s mantra; her creed which . . .

Black Star News Honors Terrie M. Williams for Black History Month

Anytime you see the name, Terrie M. Williams, stop!  Take a good look and get going to find out what she’s up to and what it’s all about.  Since 1988 when she launched The Terrie Williams Agency, Terrie has been blazing the trail for all African Americans who aspire to do great things.  But PR mogul is just a small fraction of what Terrie Williams is made of. 

Terrie Williams is a woman on fire.  Her passion to help her people comes from sincere love.  “When the opportunity arises, give it your all to help someone else.�  This is Terrie’s mantra; her creed which she lives each day, giving of her time, her knowledge and her very self, to reach out to make a positive difference in the lives of people in need of help.

For example, in a letter written by a teen who fell into trouble with the law and almost lost his life to street violence, young Jovon wrote:

“I’m in court right now and it doesn’t feel like my last court date. But I got here on time and I feel real good. I have too many people on my side to lose right now. It’s like basketball–if you have a good team that works together and is there for you, even when you’re having a bad game you can’t lose.

I’m looking around the courtroom right now and I see a kid with his pants hanging down and his hair out looking crazy. So I call him out of the courtroom and asked him if he knows where he is. He said, I’m in court, why you ask me that? I said, Then why are you dressed like that? He said, Because I just don’t give a f–k. So I told him a story about how I used to come to court and how these special people changed my life.

He was shocked. I took the scrungie out of my hair and gave it to him. He pulled up his pants and said, Thank you. And he walked back into court. And I was saying to myself in my head, These people really changed me!

I love you Terrie.


Terrie saw a young person in need and stepped up and became a strong arm, a mother and a friend.  She took him into her care, gave him a job inside her prestigious  Terrie Williams Agency and in her family.  The entire staff embraced Jovon with love and caring.  From help learning his way around the office, rendering him office experience, helping him write a resume, kind words, hugs, and just straight out love, Jovon had his needs met.  Jovon is just one of the thousands of young people whose lives Terrie touches each day on a regular basis.  One of Terrie’s favorite phrases, “There Are No Other People’s Children. The children-our children-are our future,â€? are words she lives up to, never faltering, as evidenced through her amazing organization, The Stay Strong Foundation — a New York-based non-profit organization designed to empower America’s youth.

And she does not stop with the youth.  Terrie’s unrelenting work to teach and inspire changes the lives of men and women of all ages.  Unselfish and enthusiastic in her willingness to share tips of the trade with people who are trying to break into the public relations field, make a career change or just become more polished in their PR and life skills, Terrie never ceases to excite and inspire.   I have seen and heard first-hand, countless testimonies from CEOs, public relations professionals, entrepreneurs and those who are rising in the ranks about how Terrie Williams has energized and empowered them.

Her book, Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting, published by Scribner and coming out this Fall, discusses mental health issues, especially depression, that affects thousands of African Americans who suffer in silence, due to various factors including lack of understanding.  A depression survivor herself, Terrie broke her gripping story in the June 2005 issue of Essence magazine, which was the most responded to article of the year.  Terrie still receives letters as a result of that article.  Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting

Terrie’s powerful message, “ Do what you can for others — it does wonders for the soul, and the world we live in,â€? never grows tiresome and only gains momentum as she touches more lives and helps our people gain strength through her powerful words and actions.

Terrie Williams has no qualms about attributing her success the countless friends, networking contacts, mentors and business associates who have helped her become the queen of her craft. “I have been blessed.  And I know that the best way to say thank you to all those who have done so much for me is to give something back and pass it on to those who will follow us” Declares Terrie.

The Black Star News honors Terrie M. Williams – an African American hero.

Terrie Williams is Founder of The Stay Strong Foundation, Co-Founder, Recycling Inspiration and 
Author of:  “Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting (Scribner) Coming Fall, 2007
“The Personal Touch:  What You Really Need to Succeed in Today’s Fast-Paced Business World”
“A Plentiful Harvest: Creating Balance and Harmony Through the Seven Living Virtues,”
“Stay Strong: Simple Life Lessons for Teens”