Tens Of Thousands To March On Washington DC For Palestine On Sat. Nov. 4

By blackstar

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October 27, 2023, Washington D.C. – Tens of thousands are set to converge in Washington DC on November 4 to participate in a mobilization in support of Palestine and to protest Israel’s genocidal attacks on Gaza. The mobilization is projected to be the largest for Palestine in recent history and is being called for by a broad and rapidly growing coalition of Palestinian, Arab American, Muslim, anti-war, and social justice organizations from across the U.S. The action will also demand an end to U.S. funding to Israel, which stands at $3.8 billion annually and now may be augmented by $14.3 billion in additional funding requested by Biden.

The November 4 mobilization comes amid a historic upsurge of protests and rallies in cities and towns across the United States in solidarity with Palestine. Despite this unprecedented outcry by the American people, officials have ignored calls for an end to U.S. complicity in Israel’s violence and have thwarted international efforts to end the violence.

“We will make it clear that while the Biden administration is bankrolling Israel’s genocide, the people of this country stand with Palestine!” said Celine Qussiny, Palestinian Youth Movement, “Huge protests have been taking place in cities and towns all across the country. Now, these local movements will unite in Washington, D.C. for the most massive action yet.”

Layan Fuleihan, the Education Director of The People’s Forum, said that, “We are joining people of conscience from across the world who have taken to the streets to demand an end to Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinian people. We have seen attempts from Germany to Florida to repress and silence this solidarity, but nothing can stop our commitment to fight for justice and stand with the Palestinian people.”

Hatem Abudayyeh, National Chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network said, “The carnage from Israel’s war is unbelievable. Hundreds of civilians are being massacred every night. Bombs and missiles are raining down on hospitals, schools and residential buildings.” He added, “Shamefully, Biden signs the checks that pays for these weapons that are being used to commit a genocide. Our march on November 4 will demand an immediate end to all U.S. funding to Israel, and an end to U.S. legislators’ disgusting rhetoric in condemnation of our people, which has led to incitement to violence, including the murder of a beautiful six-year-old Palestinian boy in Illinois and physical attacks by zionists on our pro-Palestine protests in Seattle, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, and Skokie, a suburb of Chicago.”

“What we are seeing is prosecutable participation by US Federal and local officials and by media in their aiding and abetting of genocide in Palestine and their incitement to racist violence in the US,” said Lamis Deek, a NY representative of Awda-National, adding “we are pursuing all legal avenues to bring an end to, and accountability for, these crimes.”

A representative of the National Students for Justice in Palestine explained that, “We are gathering to support the Palestinian people in their struggle to be free from colonialism and apartheid. This did not start on October 7 – for 75 years Palestinians have been subjected to mass killings, forced displacement, and military rule by Israel. This is the fundamental injustice that must end.”

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