Tax Cuts For Rich: G.O.P.’s Abominable Massacre of Poor Children’s Futures

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell–G.O.P cuts could increase deaths of poor Black and Latino children. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr.

The United States Congress and Trump Administration are engaged in a morally abominable massacre of the hopes, dreams and basic survival and development needs of millions of babies, children and youths in America – 13.2 million of whom are poor.

Many are hungry, homeless, unequally educated, and denied the basic protections most privileged children and youths enjoy. Children of color – soon to be a majority of our child population – are disproportionately poor, at risk of dying and being denied the basic necessities of life.

While a just nation would protect them, our Congressional leaders seem bent on hurting them as much as possible through massive budget cuts in survival programs including child health, nutrition and education investments.

Why? In order to give massive tax cuts to billionaires, millionaires and powerful corporations at their expense and at the expense of every taxpayer as a result of the nearly $1.5 trillion deficit hole they would create.

Their morally reprehensible tax give-away bill must be rejected and all of us must stand up and say no to these un-American and inhumane policies. I thank those who are protesting unjust tax and budget priorities and hope you will continue until our leaders come to their senses about what America stands for.

Just keep demanding that the rich and powerful should not be enriched more at the expense of the poor and powerless.

Oh God, I am not smart enough to debate monetary, fiscal, or budget policy with the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, or the Congressional Budget Office. But I know injustice when I see it. I know You told us when we give to the poor we lend to You. So when we take from the poor we steal from You.

Help us to stand up courageously and without ceasing against unjust tax and budget policies at every level of government which increase benefits for those who have too much and decrease benefits for those who have too little. Help us to stand up for political choices that close the gap between the rich and poor and to stand up against choices which widen that gap.

Help us try to do what You would do.

Marian Wright Edelman is President of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.

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