William Spriggs


How Raising Minimum Wage Helps African American Community Without Creating Job Losses

Economist Dr. William E. Spriggs As states, cities and municipalities across the country raise wages to improve the lives of working people, it is ...


While U.S. Economic Rebound’s Better Than Europe’s, The Grass Isn’t Greener

Republicans push for ‘austerity’, which has failed Europe’s economies; President Obama has fought, fruitlessly, for more jobs programs News last month showed that the ...


Student Debt Is More Serious Than Brookings Suggests

Student debt burden. Photo source mortgage.info The Brookings Institution, looking at data from 2010, has issued a report claiming the student debt issue isn’t ...


Republican Policies And How America’s One-Percenters Thrive While The 99-Percenters Suffer

Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority leader McConnell [Comment] Last week, Senate Republicans blocked a vote on raising the federal minimum wage. To economists, wages, ...


National Recovery: Boosting Employment Is More Important Than Protecting The Wealthy

This summer, everyone celebrated the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and the address of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in which ...