Wall Street Journal

Islamophobic Wall Street Journal Article Attacks Detroit’s Dearborn Community As “America’s Jihad Capital”

By Robert Koehler\ PeaceVoice “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital . . .” No, this is not the official “you are now entering Dearborn, ...

he disregards laws.

Republican Voter: Why Donald Trump Is A Danger And Why I Won’t Vote For Him

Republican voter Greg explains why he won’t vote for Donald Trump. Image: YouTube screen capture    [Countdown To Election: Day 28]   Hi, I’m ...

Trump trails by 14 points

Joe Biden Opens 14 point-Lead Over Trump–Wall Street Journal Poll Finds

Donald Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore President Trump is drawing his weakest voter support of the year in his re-election race following Tuesday’s contentious debate ...


Another Dictator Falls: The African Freedom Express Sweeps Away Gen. Bashir

Dictator Museveni and dictator Bashir. One down; another to go.   The African Freedom Express pulled into Algiers and toppled long-time dictator Abdel Aziz ...


Lesson of 2018: U.S. Court Exposes Uganda’s Gen. Museveni and His In-Law Kutesa As Crooks In Africa

Uganda’s two top crooks–Kutesa and Gen. Museveni. Photo: United Nations In 2018, a U.S. Federal Court in Manhattan finally confirmed to the world what ...


Don’t Blame Obama For Iraq’s Unravel — Bush’s War Chickens Coming Home To Roost

McCain and Graham; 10 years late, $2 trillion short on complaints [The View From Washington] According to the BBC News and other sources, the ...


Congo Defeat Of Terror-Army M23 Must Be Followed With End To Tyranny In Rwanda and Uganda

Museveni’s and Kagame’s regional militarism exhausted? [Black Star News Editorial] Congo’s nightmare is at a crossroads. The defeat of M23 by Congo’s army and ...


The Working Poor: US Minimum Wage Back At 1950 Level

Minimum wage value is back to 1950 level on 75th anniversary [National Commentary] The minimum wage has put a floor under workers’ wages since ...