Voice Male Magazine

rebrand themselves once and for all as Trumpublicans

Petition Calls For Renaming GOP the “Trumpublican Party”

Photos: YouTube The political opponents of the Democrat Party have a lot of problems; one big one is their name. How is it possible ...

challenging white supremacy and male patriarchy

Where Are the “Other” White Men to Combat White Male Supremacy Pandemic?

Photos: YouTube Writer Rob Okun asks where are the “other” white men, who are the opposite of right-wing nuts like Josh Hawley, Louie Gohmert, ...

national campaign calling on Justice Clarence Thomas to pack it in

Letter to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: Time to Pack It In

Photo: Wikimedia Commons When it comes to the Supreme Court, I favor unpacking it more than packing it. Let me unpack my logic. I’m ...

On February 15, Presidents’ Day, Americans must liberally apply sanitizer all over the office of the presidency.

Dedicate Presidents’ Day to Healing? Not This Year.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons On February 15, Presidents’ Day, Americans must liberally apply sanitizer all over the office of the presidency. While custodial staff deep ...

As 2020 draws to a close, the darkness has never before felt more dark and the yearning for light more urgent.

Sparking Light to Illuminate the Ending of a Dark Year

With the Winter Solstice a few days away, people are gathering in ritual and celebration—lighting candles and kindling fires in the darkness. We believe ...

Donald Trump is considering conceding the presidential election to Joe Biden

Trump Says He’ll Concede If Republican Party Renames Itself After Him

Photo: YouTube The following satire, written by Peace Voice writer Bob Okun, looks at Trump’s unwillingness to concede that he lost the 2020 Presidential ...

intimidating alpha males who pose a grave threat to society

Trump’s America and The Last Stand of White Male Patriarchy

[White Patriarchy] PeaceVoice\Okun: “How is it possible that once again —just as in scores of mass shootings—few commentators are willing to state the obvious: ...