[Jobs Report]
Rep. Hoyer: “”The October jobs report confirms yet again that such a turnaround is not happening and that the negligence of his Administration and the Republican-led Senate and their failure to agree on the next round of COVID-19 relief legislation is having real economic ramifications.”
Photo: YouTube
Democratic House Leader: Jobs Report shows “Negligence” of Trump, Republicans
Democrats to American People: don’t allow Trump to undermine Election
[2020 Election]
Sanders: “The American people must be prepared for an election that is unprecedented in our history due to the enormous increase in mail-in ballots that have been, and will be, cast as a result of the pandemic.”
Photo: Black Voters Matter
Jaime Harrison sets Fundraising Record in Race against Lindsey Graham
[Jaime Harrison\Lindsey Graham]
The Guardian: “Harrison’s campaign said Sunday that the total was the largest-ever during a single three-month period by any Senate candidate.”
Photo: YouTube