Tax Reform


Near D.O.A: Why Congress Will Remain Comatose The Next Two Years

Former Congressman Lee Hamilton I felt a brief surge of hope about Congress a few weeks ago. It was returning from Easter recess, and ...


To Succeed, Tax Reform Debate Can’t Be Treated Like Mafia WItness Protection Program

Max Baucus and Orrin Hatch. Can’t allow senators witness protection program if you want meaningful debate [Commentary: National] As Congress moves forward on budget ...


The US: Lurching From Doomsday To Doomsday

Republican leaders as blockers unwilling to negotiate [National] One of the more amazing spectacles in the days after the government shutdown ended was the ...


Fulfill King’s Dream with Fair Tax and Spending Policies

Dr. King; nation has betrayed his dream of economic equity [50 Years After The Dream] In the 50 years since the Rev. Dr. Martin ...