Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams, the voting-rights activist who knows the system in Georgia better than anyone else, schooled Cruz

Ted Cruz’s Wildly Dishonest Shameless Defense of Voter Suppression

Photos: Wikimedia Commons\YouTube Sen. Ted Cruz is a shameless liar. And he isn’t even a very good one. Witness his latest dishonest defense of ...

new voter restriction laws popping up over the country since the 2020 elections

Black Voter Suppression Following 2020 Elections No Coincidence

Photo: NAACP The new voter restriction laws popping up over the country since the 2020 elections are said to be in response to unproven ...

Stacey Abrams' stark warning about Georgia's new election bill being racist

Stacey Abrams’ Warnings about ‘Racist’ Election Laws Should be Heard

Photo: Wikimedia Commons Stacey Abrams‘ stark warning about Georgia’s new election bill being racist is shining a spotlight on a nationwide battle over whose ...

Harry Belafonte’s 94th birthday on March 1, a surprise live virtual party

“Gathering For Harry” Belafonte’s 94th Birthday Gala adds Jay-Z, Usher, Others to Celebration

Photos: YouTube In celebration of legendary singer, songwriter, activist and actor Harry Belafonte’s 94th birthday on March 1, a surprise live virtual party will ...

The rhythmic recitation of the firecracker Amanda Gorman at the inauguration

The Hill Americans Can Climb Together—With Black People

Photos: YouTube The rhythmic recitation of the firecracker Amanda Gorman at the inauguration, her words counterpointed by her twirling hands, awoke a pleasant rush ...

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.–400 years of Resistance and Fighting for Justice

Dr. King. Photo: World Telegram & Sun, Dick DeMarsico/Library of Congress. For 400 years we have struggled to get this country and every community ...

With Georgia voters to decide control of the United States Senate in a special run-off on January 5, GOP officials appear to be

Voter Suppression: Georgia Closes Black Polling Stations—While Keeping White Ones Open for Early Voting

Photos: YouTube Georgia Republicans are currently doing everything to suppress the votes of Black, and minority voters, in a clear attempt to keep Mitch ...

Male domination continues to play too big a role in aggravating the divide that afflicts us.

To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end

[White Male Patriarchy] PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to ...


DNC Engages in Self-Sabotage by Diminishing Progressive Voices

[Democratic National Committee] The Cut: “Why will this convention not show off more of the historic number of women who enabled their party to ...

Screenshot_2020-08-13 jamaal bowman youtube - Google Search

Jamaal Bowman to Speak at Netroots Nation 2020 Conference

[Netroots Nation’s 2020 Conference] The keynote panelists will address the need for urgency in the progressive movement in this moment of reckoning with racial ...