[White Male Patriarchy]
PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to fully heal America we’ll have to admit patriarchy has its other knee on the necks of women.”
Photo: YouTube
Stacey Abrams
To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end
DNC Engages in Self-Sabotage by Diminishing Progressive Voices
[Democratic National Committee]
The Cut: “Why will this convention not show off more of the historic number of women who enabled their party to retake the House in 2018? Most of them won’t be prominently featured, but former Ohio Republican governor John Kasich, who ran for governor as a tea partier… will be.”
Photo: YouTube
Jamaal Bowman to Speak at Netroots Nation 2020 Conference
[Netroots Nation’s 2020 Conference]
The keynote panelists will address the need for urgency in the progressive movement in this moment of reckoning with racial injustice, a global pandemic, and economic devastation.
Photo: YouTube