[Reparation Bill\(HR) 40]
ACLU: “HR 40 would establish a commission to investigate the legacy of slavery and its ongoing harms as well as come up with proposals to Congress for redress and repair.”
Photo: Facebook
Oregon Governor Announces Withdrawal of Federal Troops from Portland
[Portland\Federal Troops]
Gov. Brown: “After my repeated requests, the federal government has agreed to a phased withdrawal of federal officers…”
Photo: YouTube
It’s Time for U.S. Business Leaders to Talk Reparations
[Black Business\Reparations]
Michael Gee: “I believe a strong reparations program would accelerate economic growth and kickstart a new era of public discussion around racial equality and anti-racist policies.”
Photo: YouTube
U.S. House Addresses Racist Confederate Symbols in NDAA
[Confederate Symbols]
SPLC: “We are pleased that the House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved provisions in the NDAA designed to address racist symbols, violent extremism and white supremacy in the Armed Forces.”
Photo: YouTube
Fight Against American Racial Injustice Is Also Caribbean Fight
[Caribbean\George Floyd]
ESSENCE: “While some have questioned why Caribbean nationals should concern themselves with American problems, there are definite parallels between the two regions.”
Photo: YouTube
Caribbean Countries Want Reparations for Slavery—With Apology
Jamaica Gleaner: “She said there was need for “a written and clear apology to say, ‘we were wrong, we will not do it again’, and more important, we must pay recompense for what was done.”
Photo: YouTube
For Black Brazilians, Like African-Americans, COVID-19 is Deadly
[Black Brazil\COVID-19]
The Conversation: “The Brazilian Health Ministry had already flagged high COVID-19 death rates among Afro-Brazilians, a category that includes people who identify as “Black” or “Brown” in the census.”
Photo: Youtube
Is America Finally Acknowledging Its Wretched Past to Change Future?
[George Floyd Aftermath]
Koehler: “What matters about the present moment is that change seems to be coming from multiple directions, both outside and within the corridors of political and economic power.”
Photo: YouTube
NY-16 Congressional Challenger Bowman: Make Juneteenth a National Holiday
[Jamaal Bowman\NY-16\Juneteenth]
Bowman: “Making Juneteenth a national holiday would be just one step, albeit a significant one, in a larger effort to root out the racism that’s been part of this country since the very beginning.’
Photo: YouTube