Rep. Ilhan Omar

Today marks one year since the attacks of January 6th

Ilhan Omar On Jan. 6th Anniversary: “The Next Coup Has Already Begun”

Photos: YouTube WASHINGTON—Today Rep. Ilhan Omar released the following statement to commemorate the one year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection. “Today marks one ...

Ilhan Omar and Boebert

GOP Silence On Boebert’s Racism “Speaks Volumes Says Ilhan Omar

Photos: Twitter Rep. Ilhan Omar on Saturday condemned her GOP colleagues’ inaction following the recent publication by Rep. Lauren Boebert of an anti-Muslim video ...

rampant racist abuse of African migrants in Libyan detention centers

Omar: U.S. Must Address Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery In Libya

Photos: Twitter MINNEAPOLIS—Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released the following statement amid reports of the rampant racist abuse of African migrants in Libyan detention centers–including, ...

Affordable Housing Opportunities Made Equitable (HOME) Act, comprehensive legislation to tackle the affordable housing crisis

Omar Introduces Comprehensive Legislation To Address Affordable Housing Crisis

Photos: YouTube\Twitter WASHINGTON – Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) today introduced the Affordable Housing Opportunities Made Equitable (HOME) Act, comprehensive legislation to tackle the affordable ...

Today, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), along with 23 Members of Congress led a letter calling Secretary of State,

Omar, Democrats Call For Special Envoy To Combat Rising Global Islamophobia

Photos: Twitter\OWP WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), along with 23 Members of Congress led a letter calling Secretary of State, Antony ...

Ilhan Omar

Rep. Omar Spoke Truth to Power—And How U.S. Taxpayers fund Israel’s aggression

Rep. Omar, maligned for speaking truth to power. Photo: Gage Skidmore. Two weeks ago, the supporters of Zionism verbally attacked Rep. Ilhan Omar for ...

110 Members of Congress delivered a letter to the House Appropriations Committee asking they provide sufficient funding to reta

110 Members of Congress Call For Reversal of Staff Salary Cuts

Photo: YouTube WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, 110 Members of Congress delivered a letter to the House Appropriations Committee asking they provide sufficient funding to ...

police killing of Winston Boogie Smith Jr., 32, has reignited protests against law enforcement in Minneapolis

Letter to DOJ Calls for More Investigations into Minnesota Police

MINNEAPOLIS—The recent police killing of Winston Boogie Smith Jr., 32, has reignited protests against law enforcement in Minneapolis—and, today, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar sent ...

Black Star News, Rep. Ilhan Omar, situation in Ethiopia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Oromo political prisoners, UN High Commissio

Rep. Omar: “Situation in Ethiopia is Deeply Alarming”

Photo: YouTube Rep. Ilhan Omar released the following statement on the ongoing situation in Ethiopia. “My first trip abroad as a Member of Congress ...

Marjorie Taylor Greene controversy

Omar to GOP: Stop Whitewashing Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Violent Incitement

Photo: YouTube Rep. Ilhan Omar released the following statement on Republicans trying to distract from the Marjorie Taylor Greene controversy by threatening to strip ...