President Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela’s Presidential Election: Maduro And Opposition Party Both Claim Victory

By AP Photos: YouTube Screenshots Venezuela’s opposition claimed victory in Sunday’s presidential election, setting up a showdown with the government, which earlier declared President ...

Guardian: Venezuelan Voters Largely Decline To Vote On Essequibo Referendum. Guyana Government Reportedly Relieved…

Photos: YouTube Screenshots The government of Guyana has breathed a sigh of relief after a referendum intended to rubber-stamp Venezuela’s claim to around two-thirds ...

He called the 2015 JCPOA, one of the “biggest accomplishments” in the history of diplomacy.

To Counter U.S. Imperial Hegemony, “Non-Aligned” Nations Stand Up

Emperor Trump–widely derided at home and abroad. Photo: Gage Skidmore  This is how Frantz Fanon put it in The Wretched of the Earth: “Two ...


Comrades Please Support Brother Don Rojas As He Fights For His Life Against Cancer

Brother Don Rojas with Danny Glover. Journalists don’t like being the story themselves but in the case of brother Don Rojas, he has no ...


Security Council: U.S. Supports Violent Groups As Venezuela Seeks Internal Dialogue

Ambassador Rafael Ramírez Carreño [Op-Ed] Security Council meeting on Venezuela First of all, I would like to express our strongest repudiation to the failed ...


In U.S., Civic Groups, Mayor, Back Constitutional Govt of President Nicolas Maduro

President Nicolas Maduro Statement From Venezuelan Embassy to the U.S. In light of recent violent events produced by the Venezuelan fascist right, the American ...