President Lyndon B. Johnson

time for President Biden to meet this moment with the urgency it deserves. He needs to be this generation’s LBJ

Voting Rights: Time For Biden To “Be This Generation’s LBJ”

Photo: Twitter In America, of all places, your right to vote shouldn’t depend on where you live. But states where it’s been historically difficult ...

Screenshot_2020-07-31 john lewis visits black lives matter plaza twitter - Google Search

Congressman John Lewis: “Keep the Faith”

[John Lewis] Donita Judge: “Congressman John Lewis’s final public appearance was on June 7, at Black Lives Plaza in Washington, D.C., where he stood ...


Fifty Years After Kerner — “Two Societies, One Black, One White—Separate and Unequal”

Roy Wilkins and Otto Kerner, Jr. Photo: Wikimedia   “In 1968, the Kerner Commission concluded that America was heading toward ‘two societies, one black, ...


The Ballot And American Democracy: One Step Foward One Step Back?

President Johnson and Dr. King seal the deal [Witness for Justice] I graduated from high school just a few months before the monumental Voting ...


SELMA: Audacious Freedom, Heritage And Obligation

SELMA — David Oyelowo as Dr. King [Film Review] Selma, Directed by Ava DuVernay Running time: 2 hours Selma, directed by Ava  DuVernay could ...


The Civil Rights Act – 50 Years Later

President Johnson and Dr. King Many died. Millions suffered. On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a Civil Rights Act outlawing discrimination ...


Limited Upward Mobility: 50 Years After Civil Rights Act Millions Still Trapped In Poverty

The party of “no.”   Fifty years ago, the U.S. Senate passed the version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that would be ...


Maya Angelou: Master Of Condensing Centuries Of Black Oppression

Maya Angelou   This week marked the loss of a powerful voice in Maya Angelou. Fortunately, many in the nation paused to notice her ...


Cutting Food Assistance: Republicans ‘Spare’ Our Children From Debt By Starving Them Today

Scene from Oliver Twist. Children from low-income families must be asking Boehner and Republican leaders — have you no pity?   [Commentary: National]   ...