[Joao Alberto Silveira Freitas]
CTGN: A video taken Thursday night in the southern city showed 40-year-old welder Joao Alberto Silveira Freitas repeatedly being punched in the face and head by a security guard while he is being restrained by another at a Carrefour store.”
Photo: YouTube
police brutality
Brazil BLM: Protests erupted after Black man beaten to death at store
How Corporate Racial Equity Programs Could Help Grow Black Businesses
[Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit]
Black Enterprise: The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit (virtual) takes place on November 12-13, 2020.
Photo: YouTube
Texas A&M to Launch George Floyd “Be His Legacy” Internship Initiative
[George Floyd\Texas A&M University-Commerce]
Bridgett Floyd: “We are honored to launch the “Be His Legacy” internship in conjunction with Texas A&M University at Commerce.”
Photo: YouTube
2020 Election Eve Poll Finds COVID-19, Racial Justice, Among most Important Issues For Black Voters
[NAACP\2020 Election]
Henry Fernandez: “Most decisions Trump made as President and in his campaign were about stopping this transition to a country that is no longer dominated politically by white voters. He’s trying to turn back this sea change in American politics—a progressive sea change…”
Photo: Twitter
Voter Suppression 2020: North Carolina Police Assault Peaceful Voting Rights Marchers
[“I am Change: March to the Polls”]
Kristen Clarke: “The Bull Connors and George Wallaces of yesterday have been replaced by a posse of all-white law enforcement officials in the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office who abused their power to silence and disenfranchise Black people.”
Photo: Twitter