[H. Rap Brown\Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin]
Black Past: “Brown was born in 1943 and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1960 he joined the Non-Violent Action Group (NAG) and moved to Washington, D.C. In 1964 he became NAG chairman. His activities with NAG soon drew him to SNCC.
Photo: YouTube
Pan Africanism
Pan-African Profile: H. Rap Brown (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin)
Pan-African Profile: Léon Damas Co-Founder of Négritude Movement
[Léon Damas]
Black Past: “In 1934, the three founded the journal L’Étudiant Noir, a platform for a pan-Africanist literary and cultural movement that Damas, Aimé Césaire, and Senghor would come to call Négritude.”
Photo: YouTube
Pan-African Profile: Léopold Sédar Senghor Co-Founder of Negritude Movement
[Léopold Sédar Senghor]
Black Past: “As time progressed he increasingly became more attached to his African traditions and less interested in assimilation. These ideas, along with the ideas of Aimé Césaire and other Black intellectuals in France, would turn into the Negritude movement.”
Photo: Twitter
Pan-African Profile: Aimé Césaire Co-Founder of Negritude Movement
[Aimé Césaire\Negritude Movement]
BlackPast: “The journal explored the expression of a Pan-African worldview under colonization. The concept of Negritude, a word coined by Césaire, would be founded on these ideas.”
Photo: Twitter
Pan-African Profile: Edward Wilmot Blyden “Africa for the Africans”
[Edward Wilmot Blyden]
BlackPast: “Blyden challenged the arguments about black inferiority that were increasingly popular in Europe and North America during this period. He argued black equality and used examples of little known but successful persons of African ancestry.”
Photo: YouTube
Pan-African Profile: CLR James Author of ‘The Black Jacobins’
[C.L.R. James]
Black Past: Pan-African Movement figure Cyril Lionel Robert James was born in the British colony of Trinidad on January 4, 1901.
Photo: YouTube
Judge Rules Belgium Must Return Patrice Lumumba’s Tooth to Congo
[Patrice Lumumba Tooth]
The Guardian: “The tooth had been seized from a Belgian policeman who admitted taking it while helping to dispose of Lumumba’s body after the politician was murdered in 1961.”
Photo: YouTube