Nobel Peace Prize

PM Ahmed

Ethiopia: If Abiy Ahmed Can’t Ensure Relief Deliveries Then U.N. Forces Must Step In

Abiy Ahmed: Lies, lies, and more lies. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The agreement worked out on March 24, 2022 between the Ethiopian federal government and ...


Obituary: Archbishop Tutu, Priest Who Became a Spiritual “General” In The War Against Apartheid

Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.  The Dec. 26, 2021 death of Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and a towering ...


The Tigray Conflict Escalates In Ethiopia. Why There Is No Military Solution

Prime Minister Abiy, faces serious challenges. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Harold Acemah [Aluta Continua!] Let me begin with a confession. I have a soft spot for Ethiopia ...

Abiy Ahmed

War Crimes In Tigray As Ethiopia’s Abiy Weaponizes Food Insecurity

Abiy Ahmed. Once seen as beacon of hope for Africa–now a disaster. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Abiy Ahmed declared ...

PM Abiy

Tigray War: Reports of Massacres By Eritrean Soldiers, Allied With Abiy, In Fighting

Prime Minister Abiy. From Nobel to war-monger? Photo Wikileaks Common.   There are reports of massacres allegedly carried out by Eritrean soldiers allied to ...

PM Abiy

Ethiopia Descends Into Civil War Abyss On Nobel Prize Winner Abiy’s Watch

Abiy Ahmed when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Photo:  The War in Ethiopia has alarmed many in Africa and Africans in the Diaspora ...

Resolute in building the dam

U.S. Election 2020: Why War-monger Donald Trump Is A Danger For Africa

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.   You can bet that Ethiopians and most level-headed Africans are praying that Donald Trump loses the ...

Dr, Dennis Mukwege in surgery

“The Man Who Heals Women” Calls for an International Criminal Tribunal for Congo

  The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Dr. Denis Mukwege is receiving death threats, and not for the first time. Dr. Mukwege has won the ...


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.–Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam

  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Photo: Wikimediacommons     Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered this sermon on April 30th, 1967 in New ...


The Nobel: Congratulations to Mukwege and Murad, Warriors Against Sexual Violence

Denis Mukwege. I warmly welcome the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018 to Denis Mukwege and ...