Newark Communities For Accountable Policing

Black teen, Z’Kye Husain, was racially accosted by Bridgewater police officers

March For Black Teen Abused By Police In NJ Mall Announced

Photos: Facebook\Screenshot\Event Flyer On Saturday, March 19th, a grouping of Bridgewater based African American organizations are marching together in what they are calling a ...

POP’s Trenton March For Police Accountability Slated For Oct. 8th

POP’s Trenton March For Police Accountability Slated For Oct. 8th

Photos: Facebook THE LONG MARCH FOR JUSTICE: March To Trenton For Police Accountability, Social Justice, And Economic Progress (organized by the People’s Organization For ...

March To Trenton For Police Accountability, Social Justice, And Economic Progress

POP Announces Trenton March For Police Accountability, Social Economic Justice

THE LONG MARCH FOR JUSTICE: March To Trenton For Police Accountability, Social Justice, And Economic Progress will take place on Monday, October 11, 2021. ...