Mobutu Sese Seko

Uganda: Dictator Museveni’s Stalinesque Son Gen. Muhoozi Preparing To Run Regime

By Zacharia Kanyonyozi Photos: YouTube Screenshots The former Inspector General of Police, Gen. Kale Kayihura, is fully in support of the anticipated 2026 presidential ...

People In The DRC, Like Palestinians, Have Endured A Similar History Of Mass Atrocities, Genocide

By Nicoletta Fagiolo Photos: YouTube Screenshots On 3 January 2023 a news story went viral on social media, namely that Israel was in talks ...

Murdering The Messenger: Five Years Later Still No Accountability For Jamal Khashoggi’s Assassination

Photos: YouTube Screenshots Jamal Khashoggi’s fame suddenly rose like meteors, not because he won the lottery, a Nobel Prize, a Pulitzer or any of ...

Ethiopia: Abiy Embarks On Palace Vanity Project–While Economy Crashes, War Crisis Continues

 Photos: YouTube Screenshots Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed‘s palace building vanity project is raising eyebrows in a country where the economy is in free ...

Uganda: Will Museveni’s Brutal Extravagant Rule End In Bloody Revolution?

Photo: Wikimedia Commons One of the things that have been causing revolutions in the history of the world are extravagant monarchs and leaders who ...

Congo's independence hero

Patrice Lumumba’s Homecoming: Belgium to Return Tooth of Murdered African Hero

Patrice Lumumba. Wikimedia Commons. [Commentary] Patrice Emery Lumumba’s remains—his teeth—are to be returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo, an event that draws memories ...


Congo Turns 60: Why Belgium Owes Formal Unequivocal Apology And Reparations

 King Phillippe. Photo: World Trade Organization/Wikimedia Commons   This year marks the 60th anniversary of independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.   Those ...


Op-Ed: The Miracle Opinion Poll and the 2018 Congo Presidential Elections

Miracle polls. Only top three candidates have been shown by The Black Star News from a total of nine. [Op-Ed] Written January 10, 2019 ...


President Trump — A Dictator for the Oligarchs

President Eisenhower feared the emergence of a ruler like Trump — confluence of “misplaced power” and the “unwarranted influence” of the military-industrial complex. Photo ...