[East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff\Qualified Immunity]
ACLU: “Deputies fired 21 shots into Travis Stevenson’s vehicle, killing him, despite the fact that Stevenson posed no immediate threat to the officers.”
Photo: YouTube
Mental Health Crisis
Louisiana: ACLU asks Appeals Court to overturn local Qualified Immunity decision
Mayor Must Provide More Info on Mental Health Crisis Response Program
[NYC Mental Health Crisis]
Williams: “While the Mayor’s pilot program appears to adopt some of the recommendations in the report, such as a 2-hour response time and a default to non-police response, there are several areas in which they differ.”
Photo: YouTube
Walter Wallace Killing: ACLU Demands Divestment from Philadelphia Police Department
[Walter Wallace Jr.]
ACLU: “Tragically, police killings of Black disabled men like Mr. Wallace are not a rarity. Between 25 to 50 percent of people killed by police across the nation are in the midst of a behavioral or mental health crisis, and nearly half of all victims of police violence are living with a disability, especially a mental health disability.”
Photo: YouTube