
The Israel-UAE Agreement: Good for a Few, Bad for Most

[Israel-United Arab Emirates Agreement]
PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: Martin Indyk…argues in the October issue of Foreign Affairs that the UAE leader’s decision to recognize Israel was made in order to preempt Trump’s “green light” to Benjamin Netanyahu on annexing the West Bank territory.”
Photo: YouTube


Falling Behind: COVID-19, Climate Change, and Chaos

[COVID\Climate Change]
Gurtov: “As environmental security worsens, so does human security. The reason is simple: the intersection of worsening climate conditions and the pandemic. Floods, drought, and other calamities compound the vulnerability of populations.”
Photo: YouTube


Will Trump Create National Emergency to Remain in Power?

[2020 Elections]
Hart: “We have recently come to learn of at least a hundred documents authorizing extraordinary presidential powers in the case of a national emergency, virtually dictatorial powers without congressional or judicial checks and balances.”
Photo: YouTube