[NYC Sanitation]
Mayor Bill de Blasio: “I thank Harry Nespoli for coming to the table to find savings and avoid layoffs, and his members for always keeping our city clean and safe.”
Photo: NYC Sanitation\Twitter
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Mayor Must Provide More Info on Mental Health Crisis Response Program
[NYC Mental Health Crisis]
Williams: “While the Mayor’s pilot program appears to adopt some of the recommendations in the report, such as a 2-hour response time and a default to non-police response, there are several areas in which they differ.”
Photo: YouTube
Holding The Fort: Harlem’s Queen Mother Blakely Fights Home Eviction
[Dr. Delois Blakely\“Queen Mother”]
Jenkins: “How did this popular Harlem figure, a Harvard graduate, who has spent years as an activist, a Pan-African who regularly attends meetings at the United Nations and knows many African leaders, come into this dire state of affairs?”
Queen Mother Blakey. Photo: Provided by Queen Mother.
Councilman Lancman: Mayor de Blasio Pushing to Weaken Chokehold Law
[NYC Chokehold Law]
Lancman: “For six long years, Mayor de Blasio vehemently opposed my bill making it a crime for officers to perform a chokehold…the mayor sees an opening to undo this key police reform.”
Photo: YouTube
Sharpton Supports New Amendment to NYC Chokehold Ban Law
[Chokehold Bill Amendment]
Rev. Sharpton: “The City Council called me and said they were changing the law and I said I want to see the language…The PBA, who has supported Donald Trump, opposes this new language because they know it’s stronger and more definitive.”
Photo: YouTube
NYCLU: New Database Exposes Extensive History of NYPD Abuse
[NYPD Complaint Database]
NYCLU: “One thing that immediately jumps out from the database is just how few officers are seriously punished when they abuse New Yorkers. The database contains information about 323,911 complaints about 81,550 different officers, but only 8,698 complaints – fewer than three percent – led to an NYPD penalty.”
Photo: YouTube
Eric Garner’s Mother: “There’s Unfinished Business” Mayor, NYPD want to Hide
[Carr v. de Blasio]
Gwen Carr: “Mayor de Blasio and his people want to make it seem like everything has been dealt with, but we all know that’s not true.”
Photo: YouTube
Public Advocate Calls for Public Safety Reforms as Gun Violence Rises
[Public Advocate Williams\Gun Violence]
Williams: “Anecdotal evidence has suggested a work slowdown for several weeks now. The rumored slowdown implemented by some officers in retaliation for reforms, including those signed as recently as two days ago, is simply irresponsible.”
Photo: YouTube
Lying NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea Should Be Removed Immediately
[NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea]
BSN: “Early this year, Commissioner Shea started advancing the lie that bail reform was the reason for crime increases. He is still disseminating these fraudulent claims with no proof to back up his empty assertions”
Photo: YouTube