

Congo Defeat Of Terror-Army M23 Must Be Followed With End To Tyranny In Rwanda and Uganda

Museveni’s and Kagame’s regional militarism exhausted? [Black Star News Editorial] Congo’s nightmare is at a crossroads. The defeat of M23 by Congo’s army and ...


Gen Museveni’s Regime Monitors Citizens’ Calls To UK As FUF’s Lawful Liberation Campaign Spreads Nationally

Gen. Museveni. First Ugandans couldn’t walk to work; now they have to worry when they call UK [Global: Commentary] Freedom and Unity front (FUF) ...


Friends Of Congo Thank Friends Of Congo

  Gen. Kagame–more pressure as U.S. slaps sanctions Dear Friend,  Thank you for sending the postcards to the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. ...


Al-Shabab And Nairobi Mall Massacre

The attack on Kenya [Black Star Editorial] The tragic attack on the mall in Nairobi that’s claimed the lives of at least 68 Kenyans, ...

Kuwait Got $50 Billion Relief For Iraq’s War Crimes: Congo Gets Zero For Rwanda And Uganda Aggression

Part One in a special series on the war of aggression against Congo A recent news Associated Press update didn’t make the front-pages of ...

U.S. Condemns M23 While New York Times Op-Ed Defends The Rwanda-backed Terrorists

The New York Times published a bizarre  Op-Ed  piece “To Save Congo, Let It Fall Apart,” on November 30 that could have as well ...