Joseph Kabila


Ousting hold-out regional governor, Congo’s president tightens control

President Tshisekedi shown with President Nguesso of neighboring Congo Republic. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. GOMA (Reuters)-Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi on Thursday struck a heavy blow ...

President Tshisekedi

Kabila ally to quit as DR Congo PM as parliament rallies behind Tshisekedi

President Tshisekedi. The power shift in the DR Congo parliament marks a step forward in President Felix Tshisekedi’s bid to wrest the levers of power ...


Congo Turns 60: Why Belgium Owes Formal Unequivocal Apology And Reparations

 King Phillippe. Photo: World Trade Organization/Wikimedia Commons   This year marks the 60th anniversary of independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.   Those ...


Belgium’s Neocolonialism Rebuffed By Africa at United Nations Security Council

Gilbert T. Mundela on Monday in New York City.   Belgiums’s high-stakes attempt to have the United Nations intervene in Congo’s election outcome and ...


Congo: U.S. Urges Publication of “Accurate” results as Catholic Church Says Fayulu is Winner

Congo’s dictator Joseph Kabila. Pulling strings behind scene? Photo: Flickr. (Jan. 3, 2018 statement by U.S. State Department. Meanwhile today the Catholic Church, one ...


No More Election Delays Beyond December 30 Will Be Accepted–Opposition Leader Felix Tshisekedi

Felix Tshisekedi–Presidential candidate    The Headed for Change movement (CAP for Changement – CACH), is dismayed but not much surprised by the announcement by ...


Congo: Poised for Historic Vote Since Lumumba’s Murder, or Another Kabila-engineered Debacle?

Congo’s light dimmed with the brutal murder of Lumumba in 1960. Photo: Britannica. Presidential, legislative and provincial elections are scheduled for December 23rd in ...


The Museveni Vs Nkurunziza Feud–Burundi and Great Lakes Region Need Neutral Facilitators

Nkurunzia and Museveni–No Longer at Ease.   [Open Letter: Commentary]   His Excellency Yoweri Museveni, President The Republic of Uganda State House Entebbe, Uganda   14th ...


John Bolton On Trump’s Anti-Dictatorship Africa Initiative— A Departure or Useless New Words?

John Bolton at Heritage Foundation.    What’s most interesting in John Bolton’s U.S. Africa policy speech at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday is the ...


United Against Kabila’s Dictatorship, The Congolese People Will Win–Moise Katumbi

Moise Katumbi in South Africa. Officially, the Democratic Republic of Congo is scheduled to hold elections on December 23, 2018, but there are serious ...