[Proud Boys]
Yahoo: “Sunday, gay activists used the group’s banishment as an opportunity to take over the #proudboys hashtag.”
Photo: YouTube
Joe Biden
Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis Has Unmasked a White House in Crisis
[Donald Trump]
PeaceVoice\Gurtov: COVID-19 has called out Trump…This is not a national security crisis, as some commentators put it; it’s a White House crisis, the result of the arrogance and irresponsibility of the president and his administration.”
Photo: YouTube
Trump was President “Karen” in bizarre bullying “debate”
[2020 Elections\Debate]
PeaceVoice\Laven: ” Trump’s 90-minute tantrum of refusal to follow ground rules was more like my little nephew’s bad-behavior than that of a President.”
Photo: YouTube
Al Sharpton Talks Misconceptions About His Legacy in Civil Rights
[Reverend Al Sharpton]
Kugel: As Sharpton, himself, put it to me during our conversation, “People have called me an ambulance chaser, but we are the ambulance.”
Photo: Hanover Square Press
The coming chaos created by Trumpism & white supremacy
[2020 Election]
PeaceVoice\Koehler: “But with or without the Supreme Court under its control, Team Trump will likely do whatever it can to hold onto the presidency. Rouse as many supporters as possible, glorify the Second Amendment, remind them of their genetic superiority — set the stage for civil war.”
Photo: YouTube
Defeating Trump the Demagogue: Remembering Senator Joe McCarthy
[Donald Trump\Senator Joseph McCarthy]
PeaceVoice\Gurtov: “McCarthy was a senator whose strength lay entirely in public fear of the Communist menace. But at best a senator can only hope to disrupt democracy; a president can destroy it, as Trump is doing.”
Photo: Twitter
Voters should be wary of USA Today’s false balance on Election 2020
[FAIR\2020 Election]
FAIR: “No one disputes that there is an enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden supporters. But the idea that the choice seems like a toss-up to most people…is much harder to defend.”
Photo: YouTube
Telemundo: Young Latinos Highly Motivated to Vote in 2020 Election
[Latino Vote]
Mónica Gil: “This new research shows that young Latinos, the majority of which are U.S. born and politically engaged, intend to go to the polls in November at unprecedented levels.”
Photo: Telemundo
America must Vote for Return to Decency, for Biden, in 2020 Election
[2020 Election]
Topper: “Trump has defied our system of justice, is attempting to subvert our democracy, restrict our individual freedoms, and he encourages lawlessness. He promotes white supremacy and admires authoritarian rulers like Putin and Kim Jong-un.”
Photo: YouTube