[Voters of Color]
EMS: “According to the American Election Eve Poll by Latino Decisions, 56% of whites voted for Trump. A CNN exit poll found a similar number, 57% of whites voting for the President. But voters of color were a different story. According to the LD poll, 70% of Latinos, 89% of Blacks, 68% of Asians and 60% of American Indians voted for Biden.”
Photo: Ethnic Media Services
Joe Biden
ACLU: Donald Trump Was Fired by The American People
[ACLU\2020 Election]
ACLU: “For his anti-civil rights and civil liberties agenda, Donald Trump will be democratically and ceremoniously removed from the Oval Office by his employer: the American people.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikimedia Commons
Republicans and Independents for Biden Congratulates Joe Biden on becoming President-Elect
[Christine Todd Whitman]
Todd Whitman: “The American people elected Joe Biden because he has shown that the has the strength of character and experience to bring this country together.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikipedia Commons
When and How Joe Biden Should Declare Victory over Donald Trump
[Joe Biden]
Rick Santorum: “The Biden people are very confident. The numbers are moving in his direction right now.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikipedia Commons
Donald Trump Lives in his Alternative American Reality of Lies
[PeaceVoice\Robert Koehler]
Robert Koehler: “I find myself gaping open-mouthed — what else is there to do? — at the transcript of Donald Trump’s 2 a.m. press conference blather, in which he made everything perfectly clear: If you didn’t vote for him, if you do not support him, you aren’t an American.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikipedia Commons
2020 Election: Joe Biden Surges Ahead in Pennsylvania and Georgia, on Cusp of Presidency
[2020 Election\Joe Biden]
After surging past Donald Trump, in both Georgia and Pennsylvania, it’s looking more likely than ever that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States of America.
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikipedia
2020 Election Eve Poll Finds COVID-19, Racial Justice, Among most Important Issues For Black Voters
[NAACP\2020 Election]
Henry Fernandez: “Most decisions Trump made as President and in his campaign were about stopping this transition to a country that is no longer dominated politically by white voters. He’s trying to turn back this sea change in American politics—a progressive sea change…”
Photo: Twitter