
Biden and Harris must not Abandon Progressive Agenda

[Democratic Party\Progressive Agenda]
Bergel: “If the Democrats do not deliver on the center-left agenda that should define the party’s policies, expect people like me to be out in force putting as much pressure on them as we ever have on Trump and his administration.”
Photo: YouTube

Screenshot_2020-08-14 kamala harris youtube - Google Search

The Powerful Role of Black Women in Kamala Harris’ VP Selection

[Senator Kamala Harris\2020 Elections]
Morial: “It’s no surprise that Black women have emerged among the nation’s strongest and most competent leaders. The formidable challenges that women, particularly women of color, must overcome to achieve positions of prominence…”
Photo: YouTube


The Time for a Black Woman Vice President has Come

[2020 Election\Black Women]
Pugh: The Black women who have been named as possible picks have invaluable lived experiences in addition to impeccable careers…it is hard to imagine how a Biden ticket without a Black woman on the ticket as Vice President will get over the finish line.”
Photo: Twitter