
The next president

Let This Grim Era of Demonization in America Begin to End—Here and Now

Joe Biden claims victory. Photo: YouTube screenshot.     My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a ...

Marshall and Pollard were the league’s only Black players that year.

Bobby Marshall made history in NFL’s first game

[Bobby Marshall\NFL’s First Black Player] Marshall was 40 years old, a Minneapolis lawyer and the state’s grain commissioner when one of his part-time gigs ...

difficult days ahead

General Election 2016: Difficult Days Ahead

“We’ve got some difficult days ahead.” ~The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ladies and gentlemen, Rev. Dr. King said those fateful words ...


The beauty of transifixion

Have you ever been transfixed? That’s not a trick question. The answer, by the way, is yes. At some point in your life, you’ve ...