illegal immigration


Lying President Trump’s Undocumented Housekeeper Underscores Hypocrisy of Immigration Issue

Trump. Living the fake life. Photo Gage Skidmore–Flickr. The recent revelation by Victorina Morales that she has worked for the last five years at ...


Obama Is Back! Return of Dignity and Intelligence In the Era of Trump, The Great Fraudster

Obama. Natural born intelligence versus silverspoon fed bigot. Photo–YouTube. A welcomed sight for the leadership of the Democratic Party returned to the political stage ...


No Sane Immigration Policy In View Even as Trump Abandons Noxious Family Separation

Trump abandons kidnapping children. Photo Press TV Screen. This is how U.S. District Judge Dana M. Sabrow, described prevailing conditions on June 26, 2018: ...


Republican Establishments’ Fear Of Obama Led To Donald Trump Phenomenon– Black GOP Strategist Claims

Republican frontrunner–for now–Donald Trump [Commentary: Elections 2016] The political story of the year by far is the sudden resignation of House Speaker, John Boehner.  ...


Thank Donald Trump For Exposing How Racism Defines The Republican Party

  Donald Trump keeps telling it like it is — the Republican way   So racism is okay but disrespecting a war veteran is ...