[19th Amendment\Black Women]
New Georgia Project\Nsé Ufot: “As we commemorate the ratification of the 19th amendment, we know that we have to continue to fight for its full promise. We all lose when we whitewash the history of the fight for Black women’s right to vote…”
Photo: Twitter
Ida B. Wells
New Georgia Project: Black Women’s Contributions to Suffrage Movement
NAACP: Kamala Harris’ VP Appointment “Defining Moment in U.S. History”
[Kamala Harris\NAACP]
NAACP: “We recognize the overwhelming significance of this moment and what it means for this nation. We must not allow coverage of Sen. Harris’ historic candidacy to decline into ugly racist and sexist stereotypes and attacks.”
Photo: YouTube
Black Women Leaders Denounce Racist, Sexist Attacks Against VP Candidates
[Black Women\Vice-President Pick]
Black Women Leaders: “Regardless of your political affiliation, whether it’s the media, members of the vice-presidential vetting committee, a former Governor, a top political donor, or a small-town mayor: We are not your Aunt Jemimas.”
Photo: Rachel Noerdlinger
[Black History Month\Ida B. Wells]
Ida B. Wells: “Why is mob murder permitted by a Christian nation? What is the cause of this awful slaughter? This question is answered almost daily—always the same shameless falsehood that ‘Negroes are lynched to protect womanhood.”
Photo: Facebook