[Joe Biden’s Mandate]
PeaceVoice\Robert Koehler: “The essence of the Biden agenda, as presented so far, seems to be pulling the good old USA back into what we never were: one united country, free of racism, hatred, fear of one another. And to cooperate with the Republicans.”
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Green New Deal
Joe Biden’s Mandate Should Embrace New Vision of America
Al Sharpton Talks Misconceptions About His Legacy in Civil Rights
[Reverend Al Sharpton]
Kugel: As Sharpton, himself, put it to me during our conversation, “People have called me an ambulance chaser, but we are the ambulance.”
Photo: Hanover Square Press
DNC’s Platform Guarantees a Loss If Democrats Don’t Do More
[2020 Election]
Common Dreams: “Simply repealing whatever Trump has done is not a positive vision for the future. If ever there was a time to get behind big, bold economic policy ideas like the Green New Deal or a wealth tax, now is the time.”