Great Recession


President Obama Calls For Stronger Over-time Pay Protections

President Obama [The White House] After weathering the Great Recession and through five years of hard work and determination, America is creating jobs and ...


American Tragedy: Increasingly Nation Of Have-A-Lots Vs. Have-Nots

Last week marked Thanksgiving, the quintessential American holiday. In part, because it belongs to no religion, it is a day that all people can ...


SOLID: Why Obama IS Right To Stand Firm To Republicans’ Blackmail

Stand Resolute Mr. President [Comment] Back on Sept. 12, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted for the 42nd time to derail the Affordable Care ...


Domestic Enemy: The Republicans’ Government Shutdown Vs. Obama’s Accomplishments

John Boehner, House Speaker, won’t let Congress vote on Continuing Resolution to fund government [Beneath The Spin] A Republican recently told me that President ...


Report: Black and Latino Wealth Plummets With Down Homeownership

James H. Carr [National] As the United States continues its recovery from the Great Recession, a new report finds that millions of African American ...