Gen. Paul Kagame


BurkinaStyle: ‘Take Back Your Power’

Thomas Sankara, who loved his African people, relaxing — listen to the speech that got him killed three months later “The consent of the ...


With Peace Deal Will Gen. Museveni’s Expansionism Vision In South Sudan Come To An End?

Museveni and Kiir are threatened by peace– back to the drawing board? [Commentary] The biggest loser with the South Sudan Peace Deal is Uganda’s ...


Zambia’s White President And What It Says About Africa

Comrades. Guy Scott — Zambia’s president for 90 days shares a laugh with Mugabe [Publisher’s Commentary] Zambia has a White president named Guy Scott ...


Ugandan Drama: Dictator Museveni vs. Enforcer Mbabazi

The dictator and the enforcer: Museveni shown with Mbabazi A Shakespearan power struggle is underway in Uganda between the U.S.-backed dictator of 28 years ...


Now That Katanga And Lubanga Convicted, ICC Must Focus On Gen. Museveni and Gen. Kagame, Sponsors of Congo Warlords

Uganda’s Gen. Museveni  [Publisher’s Commentary] Uganda-trained Congo warlord Germain Katanga has been convicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on four counts of war ...