[Voters of Color]
EMS: “According to the American Election Eve Poll by Latino Decisions, 56% of whites voted for Trump. A CNN exit poll found a similar number, 57% of whites voting for the President. But voters of color were a different story. According to the LD poll, 70% of Latinos, 89% of Blacks, 68% of Asians and 60% of American Indians voted for Biden.”
Photo: Ethnic Media Services
Ethnic Media Services
Racial Justice can only Begin when Police Departments truly Reflect Communities
[Racial Policing]
EMS: “Research organizations have uncovered hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials participating in overt bias, via racist and sexist social media activity.”
Photo: YouTube
COVID-19: Why is U.S. Lagging behind Rest of World?
[U.S. COVID-19 Response]
Jha castigated the U.S.’s “half-hearted” approach to the pandemic, stating one approach must be deployed effectively. “You don’t have to be a wealthy country to do well,” he said. “Take the virus seriously and let biology and math drive the decision making.”
Photo: Ethnic Media Services
[CARES Act\COVID-19 Stimulus Package]
Millions of people — including the undocumented, and those who have no social security number — will receive no relief, said panelists at the briefing, organized by Ethnic Media Services and supported by the Blue Shield of California Foundation.
Photo: Sandy Close\Ethnic Media Services