[President-elect Joe Biden\100-day action agenda]
PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “In the next several weeks, President-elect Joe Biden will be preoccupied with creating a 100-day action agenda. It might be called ‘Operation Renewal.’ Here are my top-10 choices, in no particular order.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikimedia Commons
Economic recovery
“Operation Renewal”: Ten-Point First 100-Day Plan for President Biden
FPWA: Poverty in NYC Exacerbated by Economic Recession, COVID-19
[Poverty in New York City]
FPWA: “In FPWA’s recently published analysis, 1.25 million New Yorkers abruptly lost their jobs by May and an astounding 58 percent of New York’s households included someone who lost employment income between March 13th and July 21st.”
Photo: YouTube