Earl Ofari Hutchinson

The verdict. Garcetti did the best he could under trying circumstances.

How Former Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti Will Be Remembered

Photo: Donna Dymally There was one moment that will always stand out for me that tells much about soon to be former Mayor Eric ...


Earl Ofari Hutchinson: The Kobe Bryant I Chose To Remember

Photos: Wikimedia Commons “Our Responsibility is more than putting a ball in a basket” Kobe Bryant It’s hard to believe. But yes, it’s been ...


The Great Economic Depression In Black America Ten Years After Katrina

Many have already forgotten…. There was a moment in the aftermath of the Katrina debacle 10 years ago when the message that there are ...


Donald Sterling’s Alleged Racist Debacles Bring Focus On NAACP For Honoring Him

L.A. Clipper’s owner Sterling– unfit to own sports franchise   Editor’s Note: Black Star News columnist Eric T. Wattree brought to our attention this ...