Dr. Lawrence Wittner

Nations of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your wars.

Nations of The World Must Unite to End War

Photo: YouTube Russia’s war upon Ukraine should remind us that violent international conflicts not only persist, but constitute a plague upon the world. Over ...

Donald Trump’s illegal retention of classified U.S. government records

Was Trump Trying To Coverup Crimes By Withholding Classified Documents?

Photos: YouTube Donald Trump’s illegal retention of classified U.S. government records reminded me that I have been reading these kinds of sensitive official files ...

Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s Ukraine Invasion And The Imperialist Roots Of Putin’s Policy

Photos: YouTube A key factor that explains Vladimir Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine is traditional Russian imperialism. Throughout the world’s long and bloody history, ...

Late January of this year will mark the first anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear

The Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons And The World’s Future

Photos:Twitter Late January of this year will mark the first anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of ...

fraudulent practices used by wealthy Americans to secure their children’s admission to elite colleges,

College: Reverse Affirmative Action Admissions Policy Still Biased In Favor Of Wealthy Whites

Although a major scandal erupted in 2019 over bribery and other fraudulent practices used by wealthy Americans to secure their children’s admission to elite ...

Why Is Military Spending Drastically Increasing While Necessary Social Welfare Spending Continues Stagnating?

Photos: YouTube\Facebook Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe ...

Why, then, is U.S. military spending increasing?

Why Is Military Spending Drastically Increasing While Necessary Social Welfare Spending Continues Stagnating?

Photos: YouTube\Facebook Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe ...

U.S. President Joseph Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping

Will America And China Choose The Path Of Peaceful Cooperation Or Destructive Confrontation?

Photos: YouTube On September 10, 2021, during an important diplomatic meeting that occurred by telephone, U.S. President Joseph Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping ...

“Today, following a remarkable display of inaction, massive wildfires and floods sweep across nations, the polar ice caps are m

World Leaders Who Ignore Prophetic Voices And The Masses Threaten Our Planet’s Survival

Photos: YouTube\Twitter In ancient Greek mythology, Cassandra was a priestess who was able to predict the future but unable to convince others to act ...