Derek Chauvin

rally outside the Hotel Theresa

WBAI Today: Nkrumah’s 1960 Visit To Harlem With Malcolm X and Adam Powell Recalled

Kwame Nkrumah with President Kennedy. Years later, the U.S. was involved in his overthrow. Photo: U.S. government. NKRUMAH’S 1960 HARLEM VISIT WITH POWELL & ...

The ruling allows Chauvin to move to a neighboring state while he awaits trial

George Floyd: Chauvin allowed out of state amid “safety concerns”

[George Floyd\Derek Chauvin] NPR: “The ruling allows Chauvin to move to a neighboring state while he awaits trial as long as he maintains mandatory ...

"The system of due process worked for Chauvin and afforded him his freedom while he awaits trial."

Crump: release of George Floyd’s murderer “a painful reminder”

[Derek Chauvin] Crump: “Derek Chauvin’s release on bond is a painful reminder to George Floyd’s family that we are still far from achieving justice ...

Racial Police Murder

Racial Justice can only Begin when Police Departments truly Reflect Communities

[Racial Policing] EMS: “Research organizations have uncovered hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials participating in overt bias, via racist and sexist ...

Murderers of George Floyd

George Floyd’s Murderers Turn on One Another Requesting Separate Trials

[George Floyd] Benjamin Crump: “The world saw what happened and so who are you going to believe? Your eyes or these killer cops?” Photo: ...

"Whose streets?" Omowale Clay shouted.  "Our streets!" came the response.

“Not On Our Watch”: Brooklyn Protestors Fear Backroom Police Choke-hold Deal

Black Lives Matter. Protestors want to prevent any backroom deal to restore any forms of choke-hold. Photo: December 12 Movement.   Dozens of demonstrators ...


Dishonest Lindsey Graham Blames Jacob Blake for Getting Shot in Back

[South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham\Jacob Blake] Benjamin: Let’s be clear on this: Senator Lindsey Graham is a dishonest fuc&ing liar. He is indicative of ...


Fathers’ Lives Matter: Doctor In Divorce Case Wants Review of “Biased” New York Supreme Court Judge McGowan

Dr. Mahadeo, outside State Supreme Court in Queens County, says he was falsely accused of feeding daughter peanuts she was allergic to and deprived ...


Officer Thomas Lane’s Lawyer: George Floyd “Killed Himself”

[George Floyd\Thomas Lane] Attorney Earl Gray: “None of these guys — even Chauvin — actually killed him. He killed himself.” Photo: YouTube


Leaked Footage Shows Officer Pulling Gun on George Floyd

[George Floyd Body-Cams] Reason: “The footage shows a man who is absolutely terrified of the police…Moments after Floyd has opened the door, Lane points ...