[Kyle Rittenhouse]
NBC: “In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he ‘took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners.”
Photo: Twitter
Department of Homeland Security
Trump Tells White Supremacist Group Proud Boys to “Stand By”
Trump & Proud Boys]
Daryl Johnson: “Within the context of Trump’s statements which insinuate future voter fraud, a rigged election, etc., [it] sounds like a subtle endorsement of future use violence by the Proud Boys.”
Photo: YouTube
Experts Warn White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement Poses Threat
[White Supremacy in Law Enforcement]
Rep. Raskin: “We must work to disentangle the police power of the state from groups and individuals that subscribe to violent white supremacist ideology and seek to inflict harm on African-Americans…”
Photo: YouTube
The Nation: Federal Agencies Tapped Protesters’ Phones in Portland
[Portland Protests]
The Nation\Klippenstein: “One of the biggest misconceptions about the Portland operation was that DHS took the lead, a former intelligence officer said, explaining that the Justice Department played a major role.”
Photo: Twitter
Report finds DHS detainment facilities “deficient” of basic care
[Migrant Detention Facilities]
Rep. Thompson: “Our investigation has made abundantly clear that ICE must establish better processes to identify and correct deficiencies at its detention centers that don’t meet ICE’s own standards of care.”
White Supremacists Are a Threat to Elections, Says DHS
[White Supremacy\2020 Election]
The Nation\Ken Klippenstein: “While the Trump administration publicly downplays the rise of the far right, Homeland Security anticipates ‘physical threats’ to the 2020 election.”
Photo: Twitter
Black Whistleblower Dawn Wooten Praised For Exposing Immigrant Detainee Abuses
[Whistleblower Dawn Wooten]
John Whitty: “The blatant disregard for the health and safety of both detainees and ICE employees at Irwin County Detention Center is appalling.”
Photo: YouTube
House Homeland Security Chair: Right-Wing Terrorism “Most Pressing” Threat
[Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism]
Rep. Thompson: “Disturbing statements that the Administration is ‘investigating’ protestors – including Black Lives Matter – take things to a new, disturbingly low level in service to the President’s shortsighted political aims.”
Photo: Twitter
GAO Legal Decision: Top Trump DHS appointments Illegal
[GAO\Trump’s Illegal DHS Appointments]
Thompson\Maloney: “GAO’s damning opinion paints a disturbing picture of the Trump Administration playing fast and loose by bypassing the Senate confirmation process to install ideologues.”
Photo: YouTube