[Racial Policing]
EMS: “Research organizations have uncovered hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials participating in overt bias, via racist and sexist social media activity.”
Photo: YouTube
Daniel Pantaleo
Racial Justice can only Begin when Police Departments truly Reflect Communities
Dishonest Lindsey Graham Blames Jacob Blake for Getting Shot in Back
[South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham\Jacob Blake]
Benjamin: Let’s be clear on this: Senator Lindsey Graham is a dishonest fuc&ing liar. He is indicative of the deep deceit which exemplifies the current swampy Trumpian Republican Party which uses race-baiting and fearmongering of the “other.”
Photo: YouTube
Six Year Anniversary of Eric Garner Happening Amid George Floyd Aftermath
[Eric Garner]
Inside Edition: “Pantaleo did not release his grip on Garner’s neck, despite 43-year-old Garner telling officers repeatedly he couldn’t breathe. Garner was later pronounced dead at a hospital.”
Photo: YouTube
New George Floyd Video: Convicted by Minneapolis Police After 36 Seconds?
[George Floyd]
BSN: “According to Forbes Magazine “Lane’s video shows that after 36 seconds of speaking with an employee at Cup Foods, who called police on Floyd for allegedly using a counterfeit $20 dollar bill Lane and Keung approached Floyd’s car.”
Photo: YouTube
Cardinal Dolan Excusing NYPD Abuse and Murder is Sinful
[Timothy Cardinal Dolan\NYPD]
Black Star News: “Cardinal Dolan, your comments are insensitive, at the very least. They are offensive to every Black New Yorker targeted, daily, by the institutional racism that is deeply embedded in the NYPD.”
Photo: YouTube