corruption in Uganda

Satire: Uganda’s Speaker And Gay Community Join Forces To Fight Corruption

By Zacharia Kanyonyozi Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons Uganda’s Speaker Anita Annet Among is fabulously consistent. As one of Uganda’s top politicians and a key ...

Gen. Museveni

The Anatomy of Corruption in Uganda

Gen. Museveni. Corruption in Uganda at unprecedented levels. Photo: Facebook. Harold Acemah [Aluta Continua!] Today’s Opinion was prompted by a piece written by my ...


Uganda’s Youth Must Reject Handouts to lead the Revolution they Want

Mwalimu Tahakabar Revolutionary songs of freedom have for years been echoing from every corner of Uganda, a fact that clearly makes one think that ...


Why President Obama Should Dis-invite Gen. Museveni, Uganda’s Brutal Dictator And Leading Homophobe

Uganda’s Gen. Museveni [Publisher’s Commentary] Gen. Yoweri Museveni, dictator of 28 years and Uganda’s head homophobe will be in Washington in less than two ...