Cold War

Seventy Years Later: Learning Lessons From J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Legacy About American Militarism

Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons A mere 55 years after his death, the U.S. government has restored J. Robert Oppenheimer’s security clearance, which the Atomic ...

Papa and Baby Doc

Ukraine: Uganda’s Papa Doc Museveni and Son, Baby Doc Muhoozi, Side With Russia

Putin’s men in Africa–Uganda’s Papa Doc Museveni and his son Baby Doc Muhoozi. Photo: Facebook. [View From Uganda] Uganda’s Baby Doc, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba ...

Minister Kaboyo

Gen. Museveni’s Animal Farm: Where the Elite Are More “Equal”

Minister Kaboyo. What merit? Who says only men must feast from the trough? Photo: Facebook [View From Uganda] “Football Made in Germany” was a ...

Our country continues to expend nearly half its discretionary budget on its military might

Are We Americans Getting The National Security We Are Paying For?

Photos: Twitter\YouTube Michael Carrigan and Peter Bergel, two former directors of Oregon PeaceWorks, in the following piece, question Capitol Hill and Washington’s warped priorities ...

Dr. Marc Pilisuk says Joe Biden's foreign policy needs "structural change" away from "dangerous order of geopolitical manipulati

Biden Must Abandon Dangerous Foreign Policy of Geopolitical Manipulation

Photos: YouTube Peace Voice writer Dr. Marc Pilisuk says Joe Biden’s foreign policy needs “structural change” away from “dangerous order of geopolitical manipulation.” Happily, ...

Gen. Museveni

How And Why The West Support Dictators Like Yoweri Museveni In Africa

Western-backed dictator Gen. Museveni. Now that Mobutu is long dead he’s become the number one agent of imperialism and betrayal in Africa. Photo: File. ...

The real visionary

Uganda’s Next Revolution: Marxian, Not Marxist.

Karl Marx. Many of his disciples waiting in the wings in Uganda? Artist: P. Nasarow und N. Gereljuk/Wikimedia Commons. [The View From Uganda] In ...

He called the 2015 JCPOA, one of the “biggest accomplishments” in the history of diplomacy.

To Counter U.S. Imperial Hegemony, “Non-Aligned” Nations Stand Up

Emperor Trump–widely derided at home and abroad. Photo: Gage Skidmore  This is how Frantz Fanon put it in The Wretched of the Earth: “Two ...


Global Integration–Pipedream or Only Solution?

[World Federalism] PeaceVoice\Peter Orvetti: “It is true that world federation is probably at least a century away, and that it may take a cataclysm ...

Trump, Russia, China

Trump Administration Diversion Attack on China Benefits Russian Disinformation

[Trump Administration\China] PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “I suspect that behind the new level of China bashing lurks another motive: to divert Americans’ attention from Russia’s disinformation ...