Presuming Trump loses, will he leave office?  Are we approaching the end of our . . . uh, democracy?

The 2020 Election, Trumpism, And America’s Emerging Anti-Racism Revolution

[Trumpism & America’s Anti-Racism Revolution]
PeaceVoice\Koehler: “A real democracy, of course, has always been a terrible inconvenience to those in power, which is why, in the nearly two hundred and fifty years of the nation’s existence, voting — as well as acknowledgment of certain people’s humanity — has been endlessly gamed, suppressed and denied.”
Photo: YouTube

'My Race to Freedom: A Life in the Civil Rights Movement,'

Book Review: Gwendolyn Patton ‘My Race to Freedom’

[Gwendolyn Patton\My Race for Freedom]
Glick: “Gwendolyn Patton was a long-distance runner for the freedom of Black people and all people in the US and around the world. In the last years of her life she wrote an autobiography, ‘My Race to Freedom: A Life in the Civil Rights Movement.'”
Photo: YouTube


Ending the Civil War That never Ended in 1865

[Civil War]
Koehler: “This is half a civil war. Some of the participants are police and some are vigilantes. They are armed and desperate for enemies. To the extent the protests stay peaceful, they lose.”
Photo: YouTube