African-American males, prostate cancer accounts for a third of new cancer cases,

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: Black Men Face Highest Risk

Photo: Cancer Treatment Centers Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men and will strike approximately 248,000 men this year and ...

public health impacts of structural racism

Pressley Pushes “Anti-Racism in Public Health Act” To Address Structural Racism In Healthcare

Photos: YouTube Thursday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing where it examined legislative proposals seeking to advance health equity, including the ...

Pilar Whitaker, from the Lawyer's Committee For Civil Rights Under Law,

CDC’s New COVID-19 Guidance Undermines Its Own Commitment To Eradicating Racial Health Inequities

Photos:YouTube\Lawyers’s Committe Pilar Whitaker, from the Lawyer’s Committee For Civil Rights Under Law, says the CDC’s new COVID-19 protocols endangers Black America. The COVID-19 ...

Anti-Racism in Public Health Act, a bicameral bill to declare structural racism a public health crisis and confront its public h

Democrats Reintroduce Legislation to Confront Structural Racism as a Public Health Crisis

Photo: YouTube Monday, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) reintroduced the Anti-Racism in Public Health Act, a ...

A correlating uptick in new cases in nursing homes occurred when cases in the surrounding community started rising back in mid-S

COVID-19: Nursing Homes See Worst Spike in New Cases Since Spring

Photo: Twitter The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL), representing more than 14,000 nursing homes and assisted living communities ...

Male domination continues to play too big a role in aggravating the divide that afflicts us.

To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end

[White Male Patriarchy] PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to ...

Here are ten questions that should’ve been asked by the debate moderator.

Biden vs. Trump: 10 Questions That Should’ve Been Asked During Thursday’s Presidential Debate

[2020 Election] BSN: “On Thursday, the catastrophic COVID-19 pandemic and its historic ill effects and disruption to multiple facets of American life hung over ...

We are concerned the process lacks clear structure, gives undue weight to the opinions of non-expert political appointees

Democrat seeks documents on White House Interfering with COVID messaging

[White House COVID-19 Messaging] Rep. Krishnamoorthi: “We are particularly concerned that a little-known office within the White House—the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, ...

The president who endangers his most loyal supporters with campaign rallies, many of them indoors, lacking adherence to safety

Why I Don’t Wish Donald Trump Well in his Battle Against COVID-19

[PeaceVoice\Steve Klinger] Klinger:” I don’t wish his death, and likely martyrdom, but I wouldn’t mind a bit if he gets a good taste of ...

Exposing Secret Service personnel to the virus does not just put them at risk, it puts their families and the public at risk.

House DHS Chairman Denounces Trump’s “Reckless Disregard” for Public Health

[Trump\COVID-19] Rep. Thompson: “President Trump is being increasingly reckless with the health of the American people and those around him, including the men and ...