Carlos Bello


Kris Gounden Trial: Queens DA Lomp Hopes For Conviction Based on Testimony of Adorno, Witness With Zero Credibility

[Speaking Truth To Power] Kris Gounden’s alleged hit-and-run trial in Queens criminal court is coming to an end and Monday the prosecutor used the ...


Kris Gounden Trial: Assistant Queens County District Attorney Lomp Goes Ballistic and Screams at Judge

[Speaking Truth To Power: Column]  It appears that in addition to Joseph Adorno, the key witness in the Kris Gounden alleged hit-and-run case, the ...


Kris Gounden Trial: Witness Adorno Comes off as Lying Narcissist Who Bites Hands That Feed Him

Gounden’s attorney Ron Kuby exposed Adorno as a habitual liar. Photo: Op-Ed TV screenshot. [Speaking Truth To Power: Column] Yesterday was a rough day ...


Kris Gounden Trial Opens In Queens Criminal Court –District Attorney Tries To Get Black Star News Editor Barred From Courtroom

[Speaking Truth To Power: Commentary] Yesterday, as some readers recall, after I was informed that an assistant Queens County district attorney told the judge ...


Totally Bizarre: Queens DA Lomp Still Seeks To Convict Gounden In Bogus Case; His Top Witness, Adorno, Faces Trial for Alleged Spousal Assault on Same Day

Taxpayers foot the bill as Queens DA carries out decades-long vendetta that started with racist attack against the dedendant in 2007.   [Speaking Truth ...


Kangaroo Court: Queens District Attorney’s Racist Vendetta Trial of Gounden Starts July 15

ADA Lomp is the latest of scores of ADAs who’ve tried to put Gounden away over the last 12 years. Photo: Linkedin   [Speaking ...


NYPD Investigates Officer From 106 Precinct; Defendant In case Claims He Played a role in Framing him

Queens County DA Richard Brown set to retire. Will the 12-year vendetta against Gounden continue?    The New York Police Department (NYPD) is investigating ...


Allstate, NY Financial Services, and Internal Affairs, Investigate Alleged Insurance Fraud Involving NYPD Officer

  [Speaking Truth To Power]   Allstate insurance, the New York Financial Services Department and the New York Police Department’s Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) ...


12-Years A Victim: Madam Attorney General James, Please Investigate Evil NYPD And Queens DA’s Vendetta Against Guyanese Immigrant Kris Gounden

Kris Gounden, outside Queens Criminal Court, which has become almost his new home. Photo: Nate Adams   [Open Letter]   January 12, 2019    ...