It is difficult to comprehend a loving “God” foisting devil Trump upon the world for another four years as President.

My “Fast to Defeat Trump” has Turned into a Hunger Strike

[“Fast to Defeat Trump”]
Glick: “I’ve increasingly called this “Fast to Defeat Trump” a hunger strike as it has gone on, now in its next to last day. I’ve called it that in large part because it has not been a very ‘spiritual’ experience for me.”
Photo: Ted Glick

'My Race to Freedom: A Life in the Civil Rights Movement,'

Book Review: Gwendolyn Patton ‘My Race to Freedom’

[Gwendolyn Patton\My Race for Freedom]
Glick: “Gwendolyn Patton was a long-distance runner for the freedom of Black people and all people in the US and around the world. In the last years of her life she wrote an autobiography, ‘My Race to Freedom: A Life in the Civil Rights Movement.'”
Photo: YouTube


Why I’m Fasting To Defeat Donald Trump

[Future Hope Column]
Glick: “I have decided to do a fourth one, a 30-day, water-only fast to defeat Trump going from October 3 to November 3.’m doing this because I think that Trump’s re-election represents a huge threat…”
Photo: Ted Glick