Burglar for Peace and 21st Century Revolution

‘The Long Haul’ Autobiography

‘The Long Haul’ Book And “Progressive Activism For Societal Change”

Photo: Book Cover “I think it’s important to understand that the quality of the process you use to get to a place determines the ...

Putting children, grandchildren, the seventh generation at the center as we figure it all out

Fighting For A Better World–For The Children

Photos: YouTube Why do some of us stick with it, continue to organize and take action for a better world? The longer I’ve lived, ...

I learned a very important lesson in 1964 in a hot and crowded church one night at Enfield, in Northeastern North Carolina.

Fighting For Social Change Requires Respecting All Humanity

Photos: YouTube I learned a very important lesson in 1964 in a hot and crowded church one night at Enfield, in Northeastern North Carolina. ...

This alliance must function as a welcoming, democratic, movement of movements: for racial and gender justice and equality

Without A Broad People’s Alliance, Meaningful Change Is Hopeless

Photos: Brookings Institution\YouTube\Twitter How will we transform US society in all the ways that are needed? One absolutely essential element, one we do not ...

Joe Manchin fossil fuels and climate change.

News From Manchin Land: We’re Wearing Fossil Fuelers Out

Photos: YouTube Amidst the deep pain, fear and anger worldwide at Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, there was a ray of hope from a very ...