[Christelyn Karazin\Pink Pill]
The Pink Pill is by far Christelyn Karazin’s most profitable, impactful and bold achievement. With her latest course release, The Pink Pill For Business, already raking in $20K a day in revenues, Karazin is on track to hit the million dollar mark by the end of 2020.
Photo: Allison Kugel
Black women
Black Women’s Writer Creates Digital Empire with “Pink Pill”
Study: Black Babies More likely to Live Under Care of Black Doctors
[Black Infant Mortality]
Greenwood: “I also think that underscores how insidious something like this is. Children are dying as a result of just structural problems.”
Photo: NIH.gov
New Georgia Project: Black Women’s Contributions to Suffrage Movement
[19th Amendment\Black Women]
New Georgia Project\Nsé Ufot: “As we commemorate the ratification of the 19th amendment, we know that we have to continue to fight for its full promise. We all lose when we whitewash the history of the fight for Black women’s right to vote…”
Photo: Twitter
The Powerful Role of Black Women in Kamala Harris’ VP Selection
[Senator Kamala Harris\2020 Elections]
Morial: “It’s no surprise that Black women have emerged among the nation’s strongest and most competent leaders. The formidable challenges that women, particularly women of color, must overcome to achieve positions of prominence…”
Photo: YouTube