Black Economics

Black America, What Do We Know About Wealth?

Dr. Brooks Robinson/Black Economics Photos: YouTube Screenshots What do you know about wealth other than that it can be held in physical/material or financial ...

America’s Racist Criminal Injustice System Was Built On Unfair For Profit Foundation

By Dr. Brooks Robinson\ Black Economics Photos: YouTube Screenshots This essay discusses and answers the following questions: (1) Are criminal justice systems fair? and ...

Black America: Why Do We Accept And Get Less Than The Very Best?

Photos: Black Economics\YouTube Screenshots Although he later pulled back from the statement, was Ye (aka Kanye West) correct?[1 ] His statement can be interpreted ...

addressed by Reparations, we should consider the recent decision in the Sandy Hook families v. Alex Jones case.

Media Reparations: The Alex Jones Case And The Historic Media Defamation of Black America

Photos: YouTube Black Americans have called for Reparations on numerous counts (including, but not limited to): Murder, rape, and other physical harm; uncompensated labor, ...

Black Americans should prepare for a potential civil war.

Are Black Americans Preparing For The Possibility of A Second Civil War?

Photos: Screenshot\YouTube The wise among us advise: “Never say never!” This advice is appropriate for those who dismiss the increasingly detailed and repeated recent ...

racial diversification of public boards, commissions, committees, councils, task forces, etc. (henceforth, BCCCTs)

Black Americans Must Participate In Diversification of Public BCCCTs

Photos: YouTube For years, there has been a push for (and some push back against) racial diversification of private corporate boards of directors. However, ...

Juneteenth And Black Liberation

Juneteenth: Black Americans Have Always Paid A Heavy Price For “Freedom”

Photos: YouTube\Twitter The Cable News Network (CNN) and its parent company, Time Warner, are patting themselves on the back these days for hosting the ...